Motherboard Socket Repair
The CPU socket on your motherboard has thousands of small pins that are essential for establishing a proper connection between the motherboard and the processor. While not all of these pins are required for the proper function of the system, most are and they are all extremely fragile. Damaged processor pins are a very common occurrence rendering the motherboard unusable, and manufacturers generally don’t cover this type of damage.
If you have damaged the pins on your motherboard, don’t panic! We offer a repair service for both bent and broken pins to get your computer working again. All motherboards are tested after the repair has been finished, and we only charge for the repair if it is a success.
CPU socket pins are extremely fragile, especially on the newer sockets with higher pin densities. Oftentimes, these pins will break when attempted to be bent back. Because of this, minimal movement is required, and working under magnification is highly recommended. While pin damage will typically require the socket to be replaced, we will always make an effort to bend the pins to their correct position before moving on to a full socket replacement.
If an essential pin has broken from the socket, the motherboard is then rendered unusable. The only way to repair the board at this point is to replace the entire socket. Thankfully, this process is not only possible, but can be done at a fraction of the price of most new motherboards. After a successful socket replacement, you will not even be able to tell that anything is different from before!

Request a Quote
To request a quote, please take a high quality photo of the socket and submit it to our form. Please check your email’s spam folder if you have not received a reply. We are currently offering socket repair and replacements for:
LGA 1150
LGA 1151
LGA 1200
LGA 1366
LGA 1700
LGA 2011
LGA 2066
Threadripper X399/TRX40
Repairing motherboards is not a guaranteed process, and not all repairs will be successful. That being said, repair costs will only be charged if the repair is successful. If the repair is not a success, only return shipping costs will be charged. If you would like to sell your motherboard instead of going with a repair, we can purchase it from you as well. Thank you.
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